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Jul 2022

SAC Attends the 2022 AHAAM Legislative Day

SAC’s was in attendance as this years AAHAM Legislative Day on June 21-22. Client Services Executive Director, Denise Ransdell is pictured in the Hart Senate Office Building to meet with Senator Dianne Feinstein and SAC Co-Managing Partner Rich Lovich is pictured with Senator Mike Braun.


Mr. Lovich serves as national Legal Counsel for AAHAM, and is honored to help advance the interests of healthcare providers through the organization’s legislative advocacy efforts. He was honored to meet Senator Mike Braun in Washington D.C., as part of AAHAM’s Legislative Day. Senator Braun is a strong supporter of eliminating unnecessary processes impeding the effective delivery and payment for care.
About AAHAM Legislative Day
AAHAM’s annual Legislative Day, brings you face-to-face with the decision-makers in Washington who determine the outcome of our industry’s top legislative priorities.



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