AAHAM National Legislative Day
When: April 15, 2019 - April 16, 2019 at
Location: Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, Washington DC
People: Richard Lovich, Marcus Morrow
Join Us On Legislative Day
Represent your facility, your state and your industry at the one political event that directly impacts you, your facility and your bottom-line; 2019 AAHAM Legislative Day. Our strong grassroots program creates new opportunities for our industry but we need your continued support! We need you to make the trip to Washington to make a difference in our industry;attendance is limited, so register to attend today. It is all about strength in numbers. The more AAHAM members participate in this effort, the stronger the voice AAHAM will have. Remember, if you don’t speak up someone else will.“AAHAM really understands the legislative and regulatory process and this is why they have had so much success in the past. AAHAM’s leadership has gone the extra mile to ensure AAHAM has a strong voice in Washington” said AAHAM’s lobbyist, Paul Miller
For more information regarding the AAHAM National Legislative Day please click here.
Associated People
Richard Lovich
Marcus Morrow